Micro Boutique Living Fredericton
Living Small
Micro Boutique Living approached us to create their largest building to date. The building offers seasonal stays as well as long term rentals; it’s the perfect hybrid between a vacationer’s hotel and long-term easy living.
The name “Micro” comes from the truly small apartments averaging 320sqft, while “Boutique Living” expresses the building’s well-considered and thoughtful nature of the spaces. This gives definition to the broad variety of tenants that will be staying there: from students, to vacationers, to bachelorettes, all looking forward to the advantage of living in a completely furnished apartment at the cost of most other unfurnished ones.
Given the small area of living included within individual units, additional comforts for tenants can be found in double-height common rooms, atop the large rooftop patio, throughout the outdoor pavilions and within the building’s ample indoor bike storage — included to encourage tenants to take advantage of the bike trails that run along the building site.
A full wood frame construction, Breakhouse is excited to see it come to life. Ground has been broken, and we are looking forward to a night’s stay in the MBL circa summer 2022.