Halifax Public Libraries

A Library for the People

The timing was right to lay a brand new foundation for the visual communications language for the 14 branches of the Halifax Public Libraries. A new dawn had broken with the recent opening of the jewel-in-the-crown central library which was proving to be a fine global example of fully rethinking the experience of a public library. It was a dynamic space that was community-shaped and well received beyond expectations by citizens.

It was a versatile, flexible, creative and expressive building that united paper books with digital content, public performance with undisturbed learning space, personal introspection with socializing.

Our new design knits together all the branches as one while giving each their own identity.  Pixels and paper interwoven to embrace both tradition and the future.


The logo combines fourteen monolithic els, representing each of the branches, woven together as a family. The el stands upward and forward as a beacon of the Library, held up and supported by its community.

In addition to the master logo, Breakhouse developed individual branch logos, designed to appear the same at a glance but each unique upon closer inspection.

Staff ID

Patron cards.

The Paper & Pixels concept embraces tradition and technology; handcrafted and digital, past and future woven together – the experience of reading a book versus surfing the web.

Social Media responses after public launch.

A flexible identity useful for all communications.

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