Jazz Cabbage

The Final Frontier.

Entering the world of cannabis marketing was a bit like exploring uncharted space. Exciting, interesting, new – and complicated. Lots of research was required to determine what we could and could not say, and to whom. We designed the brand to work with strict marketing regulations rather than against them, focusing more on mood, imagery, and quality product than on words, persuasion, and sales.

When we first met, the three engineers and founders of Jazz Cabbage had a vision, a state-of-the-art facility, and a name. What they needed was a brand voice, marketing language, and PR strategy that could bring these three things together while feeling true to themselves and reflecting the needs of their target market. Digital analytics were conducted to determine market trends, informing what would eventually be Jazz Cabbage’s three main brand attributes: Premium, Scientif, and Lively.

The goal was to create a brand that explored the ideas of elevation, discovery, innovation, and style; we were inspired both visually and thematically by the duo Daft Punk’s undeniable and unapologetic quality, high-tech futurism, and glossy fashion.

The end result is a brand that is at the forefront of the cannabis industry, setting the bar for others with consistently high-quality offerings and strong environmental values. Jazz Cabbage knows exactly where the future is headed — because they’re already there. All that’s left now is to sit back, relax, and watch this budding business grow.”

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