Who doesn't love a good PAYDAY?

We jumped at the opportunity to work with Apple Valley Brewing Co. on their line of cider, developing a brand that is approachable, affordable and might even convert the everyday beer drinker to a “healthier” option. So how do you create an identity for a product that needs to stand out from the masses of craft beer and cider crowding the liquor store shelves?

Not only did we develop the sporty visual identity for Nova Scotia’s newest cider in a clean, colourful and bold design, but we created the voice of the brand through playful names and product descriptions. Since it’s September 2020 debut, the product has been flying off the shelves, a combination of a delicious tasting cider with a brand identity that proves less is more!

The brand personality stands out with clever product names and slogans.

A perfect drink for summer days at the cottage.

Our Rosé blend is fresh and aromatic; beautiful in a glass.

Various logo treatments are used depending on the flavour. Apple bottom icons further add to the “cheekiness” of the can design.

A playbook was created to provide guidance on visuals and language for developing marketing material.

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